A Double-Edged Blade Slicing Through the Heart of Advertising.

The landscape of the advertising industry is undergoing a seismic shift, with big management consultancies emerging as formidable competitors to the traditional advertising agency networks. This evolution marks a pivotal moment in the sector. These consultancies leverage their extensive strategic, digital transformation, and data analytics capabilities to encroach on the domain traditionally occupied by advertising[…]

New business agency

Authentic Interaction for Agency Growth

In the ever-competitive landscape of agency growth, the distinction between thriving and merely surviving often hinges on the quality of business development strategies. Amidst the digital evolution, the human touch in agency business development remains irreplaceably vital. This article delves into why agencies should prioritise using a new business agency that employs ex-agency professionals as[…]

AI Meets Man

Optimising Synergy Of Automation & Personal Connection For Business Growth”

In the dynamic landscape of agency business development, balancing automation and the human touch into sales processes has become increasingly prevalent. However, this technological shift brings a critical challenge for agencies: ensuring that the humanisation of sales approaches remains at the forefront. This article delves into the importance of maintaining a balance between AI-driven efficiencies[…]

The Future of Digital Marketing for Agencies

The future of digital marketing for agencies is continuously evolving, with new technologies and strategies reshaping how agencies operate and deliver value to their clients. The future of digital marketing for agencies is expected to be driven by advancements in technology, changing consumer behaviors, and an increased emphasis on data-driven decisions. Embracing Artificial Intelligence and[…]

The Role of Content Marketing in Business Development

Content marketing plays a pivotal role in business development. This strategic marketing approach focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. Understanding Content Marketing At its core, content marketing is about establishing trust and building relationships. Unlike traditional marketing,[…]


Challenges and Opportunities for Agencies

Economic Challenges and Opportunities for Agencies in 2024 Recessionary Pressures: Economic downturns typically lead to budget cuts in marketing and advertising creating both challenges and opportunities for Agencies. However, this can also present opportunities for agencies specializing in cost-effective solutions and ROI-focused campaigns. Digital Transformation Acceleration: The push towards digital channels has intensified, creating a[…]

Unraveling the MQL Mystery

Marketing and sales have often been likened to two sides of the same coin and they’re both trying to unravel the MQL mystery. While both aim at increasing revenue, they approach it from slightly different angles. One of the terms that has emerged from the intersection of these domains is the Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL).[…]

ICP: Deciphering the B2B Code

In today’s dynamic business environment, understanding your audience, your Idal Customer Profile or ICP, is not just an advantage – it’s a necessity. This is particularly true for B2B companies, where the decision-making process often involves several layers and the sales cycles are typically longer. For these companies, identifying and targeting the right audience becomes[…]

Power of Intent Data

Power of Intent Data: A Game Changer

In the ever-evolving world of public relations (PR) and advertising, securing new clients is a constant quest and many are harnessing the power of intent data. The competition is fierce, and agencies must continuously explore innovative strategies to stay ahead. One such strategy that’s transforming the way PR and advertising agencies identify and engage potential[…]